Someone gets it

But since music is now free... You've got to sell something else!
That even if TEN MILLION PEOPLE got your stuff for free, if one tenth paid, you still were selling a MILLION COPIES! The majors have it all wrong. They're suing Grokster to insure that their business remains small. No, the key is to BLOW THE BUSINESS UP! To have hit music on TENS OF MILLIONS of hard drives. But the majors can't think that way.

Et quand les poules auront des dents, les majors de l'industrie du disque comprendront ... et arreteront de poursuivre les aiguilles dans les bottes de pailles en essayant de faire peur à tout le monde.

C'est un extrait du discours d'une convention "confidentielle" entre pros de l'industrie du disque, publié sur le site de Seth Godin, un des gourous du marketing digital.

Music IS free. ENOUGH with the re-education programs. What, do we live in a third world country? Where the government tries to repress a suddenly informed populace? People know the truth. That you can download just about anything. And you can't really stop it. It's only the MAJOR LABELS who disagree.

Public perception is that music is overpriced. And, the CD IS a souvenir. But it won't be in the future.


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